iKINESY kinesiology autotester
ikinesy kinesiology autotester

autotester for kinesiology


The iKINESY kinesiology autotester is a made in italy product produced in ABS that contains a spring inside; the pressure of the spring, signaled by external observation, guarantees to independently test the muscular strength according to the canons of APPLIED KINESIOLOGY.

Extensive manual in Italian, English, French, German where the features and many of the possible uses are explained. In the manual I am exhaustively explained the DIRECT METHOD and the INDIRECT METHOD, that is when you have the possibility to test the exact point or not of the imbalance, whether it is near you or distant from you:

packaging and user manual
packaging of the tester kid or adult


With iKinesy you will have the certainty that applied kinesiology will no longer be an opinion because the tester will always provide you with the correct answer; there will no longer be the error of the self-test or the more or less strong pressure exerted by the operator. With iKinesy your energy balance is now in your hands!!!!

You can use iKinesy on you, on your loved ones, on animals, on plants (in the manual all this is explained with those first called INDIRECT METHOD DIRECT METHOD), but thanks to the holographic principle, you will also be able to test, for example, if the energy of the foods that are in the restaurant menu is aligned with your energy: just scroll through the items one by one and check if there is a loss of strength. The uses of iKinesy are unlimited.


Your body speaks to you and iKINESY Autotester gives it a voice by accessing your subconscious through applied kinesiology.

iKINESY introduces you to the fascinating discovery that your thoughts are real.

Your every thought creates physical energy to which your body reacts in the same way as it does when you take on a useful remedy or a harmful substance: muscle energy remains strong or becomes weak depending on the case.

All energy brings information: whether it is waves carrying TV signals or mental energy, your body processes this data and iKINESY instantly tells you if you are negatively affected by these events.

Therefore iKINESY Autotester reveals what your body knows in terms of energy in a very simple way: when your body weakens, it is saying NO, when it remains strong it means YES.

These answers can then be used to ask for help in the wisdom of your subconscious mind.

IKINESY's kinesiological autotester accesses the energy of thoughts that have already been created. Like X-rays and radio waves, the energy of thought is invisible, but very real. This is an area we normally cannot access: the realm of the autonomic nervous system, the subconscious mind. Your body is an impartial judge and what it says is specific to you.

For example, if wheat is good for you, iKINESY kinesiological self-test will show that wheat keeps you strong, but if it hurts you, it will show that wheat makes you weak. The iKINESY autotester is not influenced by desires, don't worry, it only reacts to real stimuli. However, it is best to always use the iKINESY autotester while being emotionally neutral to ensure more accurate results.

And be prepared for the truth: your body cannot lie to itself.


The kinesiological test is a system to put to the subconscious and get an answer; the answer is a loss of muscle strength.

Normally a kinesiological test performed alone can be seen as an investigation tool to verify, with respect to the tone of the muscular energy, how the "contamination" of the unbalanced part affects it.

As with the use of two fingers:

test kinesiologico con le dita
test with the fingers

or of the arm itself or in many other ways:

kinesiology test with arm
test with the arm

From the starting position (on the left) the kinesiological iKinesy Autotester must be brought to maximum pressure (right image):

ikensy a riposo
starting position with iKINESY
ikinesy pressed at the max position
maximum strength dosage with iKINESY

then it is released and the position is kept by the Oring:

iknesy dopo pressione
memory of the test of maximum strength
thanks to the Oring of iKINESY

Then the unbalanced part is touched with the other hand and the tester is put down: at that point there will be a collapse of the force:

remedy ok
the remedy does not work as
the force does not return to the initial one

At this point, always in the other hand, the various remedies are brought for that discomfort and one by one they are brought to the unbalanced part; the remedy that will return iKinesy to the original condition will be the right one:

rem3dy not ok
here the remedy returns strength to the initial one (or even beyond)


Every time you use iKINESY, the O-ring is moved by the upper cylinder and is positioned at a certain level of the scale: this position corresponds to your energy level at the time of detection. The comparison between the different positions of the O-ring with respect to the scale always allows you to identify what strengthens you and what weakens you.


The tester is supplied in two versions, adults and children; regardless of the colors that can change depending on the production, the adult model is 8.5 cm long, the children 7.5 cm and have different springs.


The Tester has an anti-rotation guide so that it cannot be disassembled by rotating the parts.

The Tester is necessarily made of ABS plastic because a metal system would short-circuit the two fingers used for the test.

iKINESY is produced by Gruppo Indivisibile srl

made in italy

iKINESY is completely designed and built in Italy

Visit the commercial english webpage iKINESY our page or contact us

logo dell'iKINESY autotester


Your body speaks to you and iKINESY Autotester gives it a voice by accessing your subconscious through applied kinesiology. iKINESY introduces you to the fascinating discovery that your thoughts are real.

Your every thought creates physical energy to which your body reacts in the same way as it does when you take on a useful remedy or a harmful substance: muscular energy remains strong or becomes weak depending on the case.
All energy brings information: whether it's waves that carry TV signals or mental energy, your body processes this data and iKINESY instantly tells you if you are negatively affected by these events.
Therefore iKINESY Autotester reveals what your body knows in terms of energy in a very simple way: when your body weakens, it is saying NO, when it remains strong it means YES.

These answers can then be used to ask for help in the wisdom of your subconscious mind.

IKINESY's kinesiological autotester accesses the energy of thoughts that have already been created. Like X-rays and radio waves, the energy of thought is invisible, but very real. This is an area we normally cannot access: the realm of the autonomic nervous system, the subconscious mind. Your body is an impartial judge and what it says is specific to you.

For example, if wheat is good for you, KINESY's kinesiological self-test will show that wheat keeps you strong, but if it hurts you, it will show that wheat makes you weak. The iKINESY autotester is not influenced by desires, don't worry, it only reacts to real stimuli. However, it is best to always use the iKINESY autotester while being emotionally neutral to ensure more accurate results.

And be prepared for the truth: your body cannot lie to itself.


There are two ways to use a kinesiological tester: the direct method and the indirect method.

The direct method you can use it whenever you know exactly the source of the problem or where it occurs on you.
Let's see how to use the direct method by giving an example.

If you have an ankle pain and want to know which of the remedies is the best, proceed as follows:
With the prevailing hand he crushes iKINESY and leaves the O-ring where it has arrived. With the other hand, touch the ankle and press iKINESY again: you will see that you will not be able to reach the O-ring because you have shorted the energies of the body with those of the painful ankle. You had confirmation that this problem weakens you.

Now you want to find out what the best way to fix it is.

To do this, take a remedy among those available with the hand with which you touched the ankle and with the other hand (the prevailing one), press iKINESY: if the remedy is valid you will be able to reach - or at least get closer to - the O-ring position. The remedy that is closest to, reaches or even exceeds the current position of the O-ring will be the most indicated one.

The indirect method you can use it when you don't have a specific pain point or you don't know the source of the problem, for example when you're down in tone and would like to resolve the situation, having identified possible solutions on which, however, you're undecided. This method is also used if you do not have a problem to solve, but simply want to compare two foods, remedies, solutions, possibilities, etc., in order to choose which one is the best for you right now. In such cases proceed as follows.

If it comes to things that you have materially available, test your energy with both by holding them or touching them with your non-dominant hand and squeezing iKINESY with your other hand. What gives you a greater energy result (the O-ring positioned on the higher value of the two) represents, at this moment, the best choice for you. If, on the other hand, you are dealing with something else (of which you have no way of having the physical availability), test your energy with iKINESY while you are affirming it. To do this, run two tests: the first while making a positive statement like. Sugar is healthy for me; the second while making a contrary declaration. Sugar is not healthy for me. A statement will always make you weaker than the other, so the one that leaves you stronger is the right solution for you.

This is a small excerpt from the user manual that you find in the product.


iKINESY is an Gruppo Indivisibile's brand and can be used only with its own written consent.